By Tony Milijun
Bikes have long been a method of transportation and are becoming even more popular with the increase in oil/gas prices. From mountain to road biking there are many categories within each division. Racing, touring, and casual bikes cater to different types of individuals. Prices can range from a couple hundreds to several thousands based on the bikes components. Many people are familiar with brands such as Schwinn, Trek, or even more specific ones like Felt, Giant, or Motobecane. Each brands offers various models over a wide range of prices. Where does this leave you, me, and any other average consumer?
LOST? It is easy to become lost and confused in the world of bikes. The focus of this article will be to clear up any confusion and hopefully set a framework for finding the right bike for your price range. There are several variables that need to be taken into consideration when purchasing a new or used bike. These include:
1. Price - obvious category but there are many more
2. Sizing - very important for cyclists, recreational riders, and anyone looking to get into the sport
3. Type of bike - comfort, hybrid, road, time trial
4. Specificity of bicycle - components and parts included on the bike
I will get into the pricing aspect of the bike in a future article but wanted to address the last three points first. Sizing is a crucial element that many people struggle with. Professional cyclists and triathletes often have problems dialing in their 'fit' and pursue expensive testing service routes to find the optimal fit. This is one extreme but many other avenues exist for average riders. Your local bike shop oftentimes will do a free bicycle fit for you or even taken your measurements so that you can plug it into specific calculators such as the FIST fit calculator on Oftentimes people are looking for something simple or inexpensive to get the job done. A proper size goes a long way for comfort and is, in my opinion, a critical determinant in choosing the right new or used bike. Injuries can result if the frame is wrong for your size. Too small of a frame often leads to knee problems, where larger than recommended frames can make it difficult to reach the shifters or ground. Most of the time people of average height have no problems finding an optimal fit, but outliers: tall (like myself) or short may have trouble finding the right bike.
Comfort, road, and time trial bikes are the most common in the road bike category. While you can ride each of these, selecting the one most relevant to your style yields the most comfort and satisfaction. The first kind, comfort bikes, is usually designed with upright handlebars when compared to other bikes. These can be very useful for the average rider looking to put some miles in, but stay as comfortable as possible during the ride. Some bikes known as cruisers are often thrown into this category and come equipped with less gears and much heavier. Designed for going short distances, such as across the street to the grocer, they would not be the best option for longer distances. Road bikes are very common for the average rider, professional cyclist, and anyone getting into the sport. When looking to ride longer durations (say 2,3,4+ hours) road bikes are the best option. They are also fast due to thin tires and a lighter weight. Coming in a variety of frame types, sizes, and brands it is easy to find the right road bike. Used bikes can oftentimes save people 50% or more off the MSRP.
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
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